Internal Control & Audit

The demand for continuous improvement in processes and performance in an organisation and the need to provide assurance to management on the reliability of the records and quality of internal control systems and processes necessitates the need for independent assessment of a company’s activities. Even the external audit work and time spent is made lighter when proper internal audit regime is instituted. Effective internal audit helps to independently evaluate the total organisation, reviewing documentation and records, engaging internal stakeholders across all departments with a view to providing assurance that the company’s operations are being efficiently run in a systematic, disciplined and process driven environment. Typically, internal audit provides internal consulting advisory services to management for improvement of work-flows, processes and other value adding services to the company.

We can help to design the internal control systems to deliver on these lofty goals to management. In addition, we can hep train and up skill the internal auditor to become more proficient in ensuring that the internal control systems designed are adequate for the business. In a rapidly changing world, our firm in collaboration with the internal auditor and management would continuously seek to tweak the internal control systems to meet the challenges of the time and the future. What Boards and Management want is value adding advisory services to meet the specific internal needs of the company. We can work with you, private companies, NGO’s, public companies and government institutions at all levels in providing the right internal control environment.