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Integration & Commercial Due Deligence

Mergers and Acquisitions have become a growth strategy and a corporate renewal tool for many organizations across the world and the objectives of the integrating parties are to maximize the perceived synergies they see. Yet, the failure rate or inability to achieve planned synergies has startling statistical significance. The issues pertain typically to the concentration of due diligence on the hardwired factors to the exclusion of the soft issues like value system, culture, trust, fair process and integration approach.

The execution methodology derives from the clear articulation of the merger objectives, planning and design of the merger workflow and the integrity of the process embracing the principles of “fairness”. While careful attention focuses on concrete issues like capital, strategic fit of the businesses, and the financial health of the integrating parties, the due diligence should embrace special focus on the culture of the merging parties as culture has deep influence on organizational performance and constitutes one of the major handicap to successful mergers. The integration approach adopted from out of several options like absorption, preservation, holding and symbiotic could potentially become the lever on which all the other factors of a successful merger rests. Our team of experienced practitioners will take you through the process of articulating the merger objectives, identification of the synergies, preparing the workflow, defining the process, integration approach, team building, due diligence execution to a successful berth at integration and post integration management.