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Service Quality Dimensions

Service quality dimension relates to the aspect of the business that captures the attention and imagination of the customer and stimulates a purchase decision. Research continues to show that different industries present different appeals to customers but a common thread seems to run through the dimensions that elicit a buy decision from the customer.

What do your customers really want? Has the business articulated in a structured manner the customer’s needs and do you continually update your customer’s preferences as the environment changes. Do you have a defined template for assessing the aspects of your business that appeals the most to the customers? Are you paying attention to the right aspects of the business offering given the resource constraint facing all businesses? We undertake strategic exercises to help you ascertain the dimensions of your business that appeals to the customer the most, the dimensions of your business that require significant work, and the trade-off between scarce resources and the need for dimension improvements and many more. We will like to work with you to put your fingers on those issues that matter most for your business.